Mindfulness minus the woo-woo stuff
Mindful making/doing is an approach to practicing the skill of mindfulness that is about looking beyond traditional meditation and discovering hands-on techniques that align with your needs and preferences. It also provides options for practicing mindfulness minus the "woo-woo" stuff related to spirituality and mysticism.
Through Mindful Makers and Doers Club (MMDC), meditation teacher, Trish Talob hosts in-person events in Sydney and online. During these events, Trish shares mindfulness techniques that are about engaging in hands-on activities and hobbies in a meditative way.
Subscribe to (very occasional) email updates or follow MMDC on Instagram for updates!

Upcoming Events in Sydney
Mindfulness Minus the Woo Woo: Mindful Reading Workshop
Keen to develop the skill of mindfulness but not a fan of sitting with your eyes closed or the “woo woo” stuff associated with traditional meditation? In this workshop, you’ll learn mindfulness exercises that use books and the act of reading as “anchors” for meditative focus.
When: 6-7pm on Wednesday 12th of February 2025
Where: Gleebooks - 49 Glebe Point Road, Glebe
Cost: $38.37 ($35 + $3.37 Eventbrite fee)
Mindful Activity Library
Discover ways to practice the principles of mindfulness by engaging in hands-on activities and hobbies in a meditative way.
Experiences tailored to you
Founder of Mindful Makers and Doers Club (MMDC), Trish Talob, offers tailored mindfulness workshops and programs for:
Corporate groups
Community groups and not-for-profit organisations
Organisations/businesses who would like to integrate a mindfulness component into their workshops/classes
Get updates about MMDC events and resources
Subscribe to (very occasional) email updates or follow MMDC on Instagram for updates!

About Trish, MMDC founder
Mindfulness is a valuable skill for navigating the ups and downs of life. Meditation is just one of the many ways to practice mindfulness.
As a meditation teacher, I'm on a mission to show that meditation - the practice of focusing your attention in a particular way - doesn't have to be about sitting still with eyes closed. I help people look beyond traditional meditation methods and discover hands-on ways to practice mindfulness minus the “woo-woo stuff”.
I'm also passionate about making mindfulness more accessible to more people. I advocate the concept of "equitable mindfulness" by teaching secular techniques that cater to different needs and preferences, as well as budgets and schedules.