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Trish Talob

Human-Centred Design Professional
Meditation Teacher

I'm Trish

I empower individuals and organisations to make a positive impact by thinking mindfully and acting intentionally​

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As a Human-Centred Design Professional

I help organisations build impactful services and continuously improve them

I enable organisations to leverage design practices as part of creating high-impact services. I facilitate collaboration around the development of systems and processes that serve the needs of the organisation, their staff and the people who use their services.


My experience as a designer encompasses strategic design, service design, customer experience design.


Connect with me on LinkedIn to learn more about my work.

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Highlights from my last 12 months at MTC Australia

New approach to creating Service Delivery Models

I introduced "service blueprinting" as a collaborative process for understanding current state pain points/improvement opportunities, and mapping the future state model. 


Service blueprinting activities have helped to establish a common vision for what needs to change and how change would be made. They have also enabled my team to build models that are truly "implementable" as the process provides opportunities for staff involved in delivering the models to influence how the models work.​​


Systems and processes for utilising customer feedback more effectively

I established a "Research and Feedback Register" that consolidates qualitative feedback and general comments from customer about their experience with our programs. I initiated this project when I identified that the organisation was not looking at customer feedback/comments in a holistic manner. Prior to the systems and processes I introduced, feedback was being reviewed and addressed in isolation to one another.​​


This register is now being used in regular activities around synthesising feedback and identifying service delivery issues/improvement opportunities.​

Image by Philipp Torres

As a Meditation Teacher

I help people develop the skill of mindfulness in a way that aligns with their personal needs and preferences

I encourage people to develop the skill of mindfulness as part of creating mental/emotional space to consistently care for themselves, others and the environment.


As a meditation teacher, I'm on a mission to show that meditation - the practice of focusing your attention in a particular way - doesn't have to be about sitting still with eyes closed. I help people look beyond traditional meditation methods and discover hands-on ways to practice mindfulness minus the “woo-woo stuff”.


I'm also passionate about making mindfulness more accessible to more people. I advocate the concept of "equitable mindfulness" by teaching secular techniques that cater to different needs and preferences, as well as budgets and schedules.  

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